Friday, February 6, 2009

Octuplets' mom

CNN reports that Nadya Suleman had eight babies after taking fertility treatments. Sule man already had six children at home before going in for the fertility treatments. The main conflict in this story that is causing much controversy is the fact that while Suleman went in for the fertility treatments, she did not have a stable income and she was living at home with her parents.

Suleman believes that the controversy over the matter is the fact that she is a single mom (all of the children have the same biological father, who donated sperm). However, the real problem lies in her ability to support the children. Suleman who claimed that she only ever wanted children should not have gone in for fertility treatments (I'm assuming using government money because a single mom without a job would most likely not be able to afford these costly procedures)when she already had six children at home that she was unable to take care of without the governments help.

I believe that because Suleman was unable to financially support her first six children the fertility treatments should have been denied. What kind of life does she plan on offering her fourteen children? The question that might be more appropriate is what kind of life can the government provide for these fourteen children? I believe Suleman, like many others, is taking advantage of the system.

I cannot offer any suggestions for improvement in the government to prevent this type of situation from occurring, but if a woman who already has six kids and then implants eight more with in vitro fertilization, why won't the government help a married couple that don't have any children?

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