Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Great blog

Obviously, I just recently started my blog and have not really discovered or developed the format I would like to continue. But, my friend Ericka (who moved from Lincoln, NE to California) has an amazing blog. Her writing is more literary and less journalistic, but she also includes interesting features on things of importance such as upcoming films, artists and so on. Her blog explains a lot about her and her lifestyle and it is definitely not boring. Be sure to check out her blog http://erickapedia.blogspot.com/.
You may remember when you were younger people would always ask "So, what do you want to be when you grow up?" Well, I figured after I "grew up" the question would stop. But really, the question just changed into "What are your plans after you graduate?" This is really discouraging. I don't want to jump into a career I am going to be unhappy with merely because I am expected to get a job. I don't want to be stuck at a dead-end job in a state that I'm constantly wanting to leave. That sounds like a miserable path to me.

For the sake of courtesy, I usually just avoid a specific answer by saying "Well, I don't actually graduate until the summer. I still have two more classes to take."

Plus, I had a friend tell me once that his friend (an econ major) said people who start their careers in a recession end up making 15% less over the span of their lifetime. Therefore, the smartest thing for me to do is wait until the economy starts peaking again. Right?

This same friend is also interested in the Peace Corps and he plans to do that and then attend graduate school. So who knows what I will end up doing. Wherever the wind may take me is kind of my philosophy right now.

Cinco de Mayo

Porque hoy es el Cinco de Mayo quiero escribir esto en español. Estoy utilizando un traductor de Inglés a Español por lo que los resultados podrían no ser completamente exacta. Sin embargo, sigo pensando que es genial. No puedo creer que canceló las celebraciones del Cinco de Mayo en algunos lugares. Cinco de Mayo es un gran día para la liberación de Mexico. Todos a causa de la gripe que maldito que tiene a todos en un ataque. No se preocupe. Yo todavía celebrar.

Cuando se baja de mi cuarto de trabajo a los seis vamos a ir a Chicago vieja para tener un par de tragos. Recientemente he descubierto que me gusta Corona. Así que probablemente el orden de la Corona un bar con mi comida. No es una fiesta muy grande que conozco. Porque tengo un examen pasado mañana.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Public Relations vs. Journalism

I am confused when it comes to the conflict between journalists and public relations specialists. I understand that journalists try to remain neutral and PR reps most generally are working for a corporation and therefore only promote one-sided news releases. But, in talking with PR specialists and reporters, they both tend to bad mouth the other.

Why can't they each respect that they have different jobs and different objectives?

It also confuses me that there is negative stigma associated with the media, yet public relations people prefer newspaper experience.

Can anyone enlighten me?

Photos of Iraq--Column 3

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Dead Week

After reading through some of my classmates blogs, I ran across Megan's blog on "dead week" and I completely agree. It seems as though everyone stresses about finals, but I always have the most to do/turn in during dead week, which is supposed to be a break before finals (so we can study.. or whatever).

This semester had the most hectic dead week I could've imagined. This semester I am taking 22 credit hours, which equals out to I believe eight classes aka eight final projects/tests/papers. Talk about stress. On top of it all, I am terrible with time management. I always think I have more time than I actually do, which ends up kicking me in the butt, but (that was akward butt, but) I never seem to learn my lesson.

This semester my class load is as follows:

JMC300-Website Design
JMC409-Public Relations Strategy (WI)
JMC350-Antelope News Staff
JMC336-Radio Workshop
ENG460-Women's Literature: Women and Revenge
ENG426-Adolescent Literature
CSIS108-Computers in Society

During dead week I had a short paper due for ENG460, a 8-10 pg research paper for ENG426, final website and presentation for JMC300, video commentary for JMC425, and two final projects for CSIS108. In addition to these things, I spent my entire Tuesday night working on my ENG460 research paper because I wrote down in my agenda the wrong date. Basically I was working on a research paper that isn't due for another week when I could have been working on the other assignments that are actually due!

So obviously I was already frustrated with myself. Then I tried to do the video commentary with my webcam on my HP and it turns out I don't have a software that allows video recording or even taking pictures. I tried to do the quick capture on YouTube, but YouTube was unable to pick up my webcam. So I recorded it four different times to my roommate's computer only to find out that the software he had wouldn't allow me to save it elsewhere or post it to YouTube. Finally, I settled with recording it on my digital camera, hence the poor quality, awkward view and bad lighting. After recording three or four times on my camera, I decided enough was enough and tried to upload it to YouTube via the SD memory card. Of course it wouldn't upload. So at about 12:30a.m. Thursday morning I gave up with the video and decided I needed to start my 8-10 page research paper that was due at 4 p.m. that day. Needless to say, everything worked out. I finished everything and am so relieved. I am even happy with the outcome of my research paper!

That is my rant about dead week. But, now it is over and only one week left, then two summer classes and behold! graduation. Thank the Lord!

Peace Corps: Video Commentary